Harleyford Golf club
In 2018 Jon started the Ladies Academy at Harleyford Golf Club, so if you have thought about playing golf or would like to start playing again, then read on……
Who is it for?Ladies who are new to the game, occasional golfers or lapsed golfers who are interested in playing golf and joining Harleyford Golf Club. Jon recognises that joining a golf club, particularly a private one with over 25 years of history, can be a daunting prospect. He would like to take the intimidation away by improving your golf, your confidence and gradually introducing you to the golf club and our friendly members at your own pace.
What is involved?The Academy is a six month program that provides essential coaching along with regular social activities and playing opportunities on the course.
Why join the Academy?It is a great way to learn how to play golf along with other ladies of a similar level whilst providing a clear route to then join Harleyford Golf Club. So, if you would like to move on to the next stage after hitting balls at a driving range and start to play somewhere with a friendly, thriving women's section, then our Ladies Golf Academy is perfect for you. Jon is fully qualified with the PGA and has been trained to the highest level; more importantly he will adapt the coaching to your needs in a manner that will make learning fun and light hearted.
If you have been meaning to take the plunge, this is the perfect opportunity for you to do it.
Jon will provide you with:
• 8 x 60 minute individual lesson
• 6 x 120 minute group lesson
• Access to the golf course after 14:00 on weekdays*
• Access to the practice facilities
• Full Social Membership
* Course bookings can only be made on the day of play through the professional’s shop.
What happens at the end of the program?Ideally you are ready to join Harleyford Golf Club as a full member. Alternatively, the academy membership can be repeated for a further six months if required, until you are ready to join as a full member.
What are the costs involved?The cost for the Ladies Academy Membership is £1145, inclusive of all your coaching.
It is a rolling Academy, meaning that you can join at any point throughout the year, but there is currently a waiting list due to high demand.
For more information and pricing please contact us on 01628 816178 or email peter@harleyfordgolf.co.uk