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Flexible memberships.
Our flexible membership is ideal if you're trying a golf membership for the first time without wanting to commit to a full subscription.
Membership features & prices.

Joining fee: £1,000
Annual Subscription: £960
Bar levy: £100
Flexible memberships start with 50 credits and can be topped up 50 at a time once you have run out for only £430.
Flexible usage.
You are limited to a set number of rounds which are dependent on the times of day that you play. We use a credit system that can be topped up at your leisure. The club’s software keeps a real-time record of the credits used.
Credits have a 2 year life, so when you renew you won't lose out on credits unused from the previous year.
A full breakdown is available below:
3 Credits - Monday - Thursday PM
4 Credits - Monday - Thursday AM
4 Credits - Friday - Sunday PM
5 Credits - Friday - Sunday AM
Credit usage
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